
France competences publishes an updated version of its National Register of Professional Qualifications (RNCP) Handbook, taking into account changes made by the law n ° 2022-1598 of December 21, 2022 that relates to emergency measures concerning the functioning of the labour market for full employment. This document is addressed primarily to sector professionals and aims to provide all the necessary information in order for them to complete an application request for certification.


This law recently opened up access to Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) to incorporate a larger set of possibilities. The Handbook integrates the possibility of acquiring a skills set at the end of the course validation process and highlights that certain procedures are now simplified. This new version has also been enriched with new references to help identify correspondences between professional certifications and their skill set, and to reflect improvement suggestions made by professionals from the sector.

The ambition of this Handbook is to guide professionals in the process of registering their certification. It specifies the expectations related to the RNCP registration of a professional certification, includes the guidelines communicated by the Professional Certification Commission, and includes recommendations for good practices. The document presents in particular: the main notions of professional certification, the elements for demonstrating the efficiency of a professional certification project and the expectations in terms of building certification reference systems. It also recalls the obligations arising from the RNCP registration.

Consult the Handbook